Heather Pangracs has been an Esthetician since 1997, and knew from a very early age that making women feel beautiful would be her passion. She has always joked that she does not feel like what she does for a living is work. Women come see me, we chat, we laugh, I give them beautiful nails, brows or what ever they have come to see me for, they get their "Heather" time in and off they go till the following month!  She first learned about Cosmetic Tattooing  10 years ago. It interested her a great deal, however being in Saskatchewan, the locations for schools were on either coast of the country so the possibility seemed impossible, that is until the Winter of 2014 where she was again introduced to the idea. With forward momentum she put the idea into place and in April 2015 traveled to Toronto to embark on a new career of Cosmetic Tattooing. She knew the moment she entered the school and held a tattoo machine in her hand, that she was in the right place. Every client that she see's leaves such an emotional impact on her and she is very often overcome with emotion when she see's her work coming together.  If there has ever been a time in her life when she knew that she was on the right path...this is it!!  She is doing what she is supposed to be doing! Making women feel beautiful and giving them the confidence that they deserve.